How to Become a Successful Programmer Without a Degree

Have you ever wanted to become a computer programmer? Perhaps you’ve given the matter some thought, then shelved it because it seems too difficult, or the competition is too great. Maybe it’s the thought of cost or perhaps something else that’s holding you back? In this book, I will show you How to Become a Successful Programmer Without a Degree. I will take you through all that is necessary to become a programmer, covering all the important things you’ll need to consider, such as; · The necessary concepts you need to master · The types of equipment you’ll need · Certifications that are available to entry level programmers · Why those certifications are important · The different types of training available · How to look for a job · Interview tips and more In addition to this, I have put together some exercises that will help you put together your own plan, which will give you a head start to becoming a programmer. If your dream has always been to become a computer programmer, this is the ideal book for you. Designed for complete novices it will inspire and motivate you to realize your dreams and take the first steps on the path to a new career.
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The Beginner's Guide to C#

The C# programming language from Microsoft is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. This book is designed for an absolute beginner to get started with this powerful programming language. You do not need any prior programming experience to read this book. You will need access to a Windows PC to install Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition (free download) to run the labs in this book. I will also show you some affordable cloud based options so you can do your software development in the cloud. In this book I will start with a very basic sample program and then we will add elements that illustrate basic language constructs step by step to this program until you have a complete demonstration program. We will review basic language elements such as: • Loops • If Statements • Case statements • C# Data Types • Methods • Object Oriented Programming and • More After that we will then build a more complete demonstration program that integrates all of the concepts in the book. By the end of this book you will have a basic knowledge of the C# programming language and will be able to write your own programs.
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How You Can Become a Better You!

A Series of Short Life Lessons

In this book I have put together a number of life lessons that I have observed from a number of role models that have inspired me throughout my lifetime. I have organized these lessons in a series of short stories that will inspire you. These lessons are simple and to the point and will allow you to grow in a number of areas in your life. These lessons include how to be effective at planning, basic financial advice, finding your calling in life and much more. I hope they can provide you some tools and inspiration to help you though some of the challenges in your life.